cruise.txt I was on a cruise from Riga to Stockholm and back with my schoolmates during the spring of 9th grade. Since the cruise was very cheap, it was favorited by Latvian teenagers and Swedish elders. We spent three days and two nights on the ship. On the first night, I was chilling with a group of friends from school in one of the many lobbies on the ship. It was around 1 AM and we were getting pretty bored and thinking of going to bed. I brought up a very weird thing one of the people in our friend group had done. This prompted a girl we didn't know from a different group of Latvian schoolkids to join in on the conversation and reiterate that what he'd done was very weird. Our two friend groups ending up mingling and we decided to go to their cabin to hang out. Since we'd really hit it off, a fewof people from my friend group (including me) and a couple from theirs decided to go have breakfest together the next day. Somehow I ended up lecturing them about the race differences between Russians and Latvians and, even more strangely, one of the girls from the other group was very interested in what I had to say. Taking into account she was also very cute, I ended up liking her immediately. Once we were done with the meal, one of the girl's friends came up to me and told me that the girl liked me. Based on this and the fact I liked her back, I decided I'd try to woo her that night. We met up again that evening at a karaoke lounge. I chatted with the cute girl one-on-one for a while and things where going pretty smoothly. I sang a song and it was good fun. Then a couple of chaps from my grade walked up to us, placed down chairs where the two of us were sitting and decided to join in on the conversation. One of them even awkwardly put his chair between us. They were talking about some rubbish with her and she was clearly disinterested. I pulled aside one of the chaps who I knew very well and who was my neighbor and told him that I was trying to woo the girl. I politely asked for him to make up an excuse and for them both to leave so I could proceed. My neighbor complied and told the other mate they had to go to their cabin for something. For some reason the other lad flipped out because he really didn't want to go and made the girl come with them so they could keep talking. They went off and she awkwardly followed them. At first, I was more in shock about what happened than anything. I sat there in disbelief. I liked this girl who liked me back and was doing very well with her, then this one lad came along and messed it all up. The shock turned into genuine anger and I left without even singing the karaoke song I'd requested. When I saw the non-neighbor boy, I verbally assaulted him about what he'd done. I found out that he was likely socially retarded and didn't realize what I was trying to do and that he was interrupting.