Juris Alunāns

The International Spectator Club

Political Geography & Socioeconomics

Guestbook /// Contact /// Neocities discord /// Content /// 404

Welcome & about me

Entrepreneurial thought leader. Entrepreneur. Up-and-coming gaming legend. Twitch streamer when in the mood. Changing the worldwide landscape twelve steps at a time. I like to help people. Don't forget to curb-stomp that follow button

The internet sucks, but it's cheaper than cable

I wish that was me

Ashamed to be part of the World Wide Web


   |-- /misc/
          |-- cool_links.txt
          |-- /img/
                 |-- birds.jpg
                 |-- child_soldier.jpg
                 |-- happy_cat.jpg
                 |-- me_and_the_lads.jpg
          |-- /music/
                 |-- elevator.mp3
                 |-- camper.mp4
                 |-- generation.mp4
          |-- /videos/
                 |-- monika.mp4
   |-- /life_stories/ (typos galore!)
          |-- /drugs/
                 |-- cigar.txt
          |-- /jackiechan/
                 |-- pepsi.txt
          |-- /botched_social_interactions/
                 |-- cruise.txt
                 |-- number.txt
          |-- glass.txt
          |-- discord.txt
          |-- pomegranates.txt
          |-- cd.txt
          |-- impersonating_a_mod.txt

Not mobile friendly and proud

Laptop computer